Punting points is for those who will not be satisfied with just winning their league. It is for those who want to demoralize their opponents to the point where they are left wondering why they even bothered to join the league in the first place. While this is not the easiest strategy to pull off, […]
This is version 1 of this year’s Yahoo Sleepers/Undervalued Players list. Below are more than two dozen players that are currently ranked lower than they should be on Yahoo. Some of the players on this list are traditional sleeper types, but most are known names that Yahoo has mispriced for one reason or another. This […]
The nine-category and eight-category projection files have been updated to include a “Best Build” projections tab. This set of projections ranks each player using their value in their best build. For example, it takes Nikola Jokic’s value in his best build (punt threes) and compares it to the value of Giannis Antetokounmpo in his best […]
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The Team Building Tool has now been loaded with this season’s projections and the most recent Yahoo, ESPN, and Fantrax rankings. For those who have already subscribed, you can access the tool here: Team Building Tool So how does this work, and what is it useful for? This tool is meant to make it easier […]
The Punt Blocks Strategy The punt blocks build may not be as flashy or as popular as strategies like punt FT% or punt FG%, but that doesn’t mean it is not a championship-winning strategy. This is a classic build that has become even more effective as the NBA has transitioned to a more perimeter-oriented league. […]
The Punt Threes Strategy Punting threes is another strategy that every category league player should get familiar with. Not because it’s guaranteed to show up in your league like punt FG% is. It may not. This is not a strategy that you are going to see novice punters deploy too often. You need to get […]
Instead of coming up with a traditional sleepers and busts list for salary cap leagues, I have put together an analysis that identifies players who are overpriced and underpriced in the various league settings and punting strategies. This analysis compares a player’s projected value in dollars based on Elite Fantasy Basketball’s projections to their average […]
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Here are this season’s positional tiers. They will be updated as changes are made to the Top 150. Point Guard Tiers Shooting Guard Tiers Small Forward Tiers Power Forward Tiers Center Tiers For access to all of this year’s punting guides, projections and rankings, pairing guides, sleepers and busts, and much, much more, subscribe here: […]
6) Tyrese Haliburton (PG/SG) – Haliburton will return to the role that allowed him to post top-eight per-game numbers during his breakout 2022-2023 campaign. The Pacers didn’t make any notable additions outside of Bruce Brown who shouldn’t have a material impact on Haliburton’s value. The predictable role makes Haliburton one of the safer first-round picks […]
The Punt Assists Strategy The punt assists build will always get top billing here at Elite Fantasy Basketball. It gets priority because it is a strategy that almost every fantasy player should consider. It is a relatively straightforward strategy that comes with both a high floor and a high ceiling. If you are new to […]
The Punt FG% Strategy Elite Fantasy Basketball’s punt FG% guide is always a must-read. I say that not because it helps with the SEO, but because unless you play in a two-team league, you are a lock to come across this strategy. You’ll either be deploying it yourself or facing off against multiple versions of […]
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE