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Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscriptions are now available for the 2024-2025 season! To access this page and all of Elite Fantasy Basketball’s league-winning content, sign up for a FULL SEASON membership using the following link. SUBSCRIBE
Subscribers can access this season’s Preseason Dynasty Top 150 through the following link: 2022-2023 Preseason Dynasty Top 150 For access to all of this year’s punting guides, projections and rankings, pairing guides, sleepers and busts, and much, much more, subscribe here: SUBSCRIBE
Below is a pick-by-pick breakdown of this year’s draft class. While there are some interesting players in the draft, don’t expect a repeat of 2021. That was an outlier class. Most classes, including this one, don’t include nearly as many players with interesting fantasy profiles. The top picks in this class do project to be […]
Roto Draft Recap and Punting Discussion with Dan Besbris
Included in this guide are nearly 100 pairings that will get you off to a great start in deep leagues. These pairings are broken down by first-round pick and punting build. 2022-2023 Deep League Pairing Guide For access to all of this year’s punting guides, projections and rankings, pairing guides, sleepers and busts, and much, […]
One of the questions that I get asked the most is when is it ok to reach for X player. That’s a very reasonable question. In competitive leagues, we often have to reach for the players that we want. This guide answers that question for the players currently ranked inside of the top 100 in […]
One of the questions that I get asked the most is when is it ok to reach for X player. That’s a very reasonable question. In competitive leagues, we often have to reach for the players that we want. This guide answers that question for the players currently ranked inside of the top 100 in […]
This list was updated to account for the major rankings update that ESPN made at the end of September. If/when the next major update happens, I will be updating this list to reflect the new rankings. I will also be making adjustments to this list as preseason goes along and rotations start to take form. […]
Luka Doncic (Pick 4-9) Punt FT%: Doncic/James/Gobert/Holiday/McCollum – The ideal Luka punt FT% start. Average in steals, below average in turnovers, and above average everywhere else. Elite in all of the big man categories despite only having one big on the roster. That allows you to go small again in round six if you wish. Elite […]
If you are short on time this draft season, this is the guide for you. Below are 60 five-man combinations that will send you into the sixth round in good shape. I wouldn’t recommend taking this approach, but you could simply copy one of the below starts and finish your draft in a very good […]
Yahoo has cleaned up their rankings quite a bit after a very questionable start to draft season. There are still plenty of players ranked too low in their rankings, but there are not a lot of players that are ranked much higher than they should be. Overall, Yahoo has done a solid job with their […]