Projections are available for: Nine-Category Leagues Eight-Category Leagues Both Yahoo and ESPN Points Leagues Leagues with Non-Standard Categories** Per 30 *The projections for the league’s 450+ players are updated regularly throughout preseason and daily throughout the regular season. **Projections are available for the standard nine categories, FGM, FTM, OREB, DREB, DD, 3P%, and A/TO. […]
All rankings and comments are for nine-category head-to-head leagues unless otherwise noted. All player positions are taken from Yahoo Fantasy Basketball. These rankings are not meant to predict the final nine-category league rankings. They are meant to predict how useful a player will be in a nine-category H2H league. When putting together these rankings, I […]
The Punt FG% Strategy I say this every year, but it’s worth repeating. You have to read this guide. I’m not saying that to boost my traffic numbers. I’m saying that because it is very important to understand the punt FG% build’s strengths and weaknesses. That’s because you’ll either be deploying it yourself or facing off against […]
The Punt Assists Strategy The punt assists build will always get top billing here at Elite Fantasy Basketball. It gets priority because it is a strategy that almost every fantasy player should consider. It is a relatively straightforward strategy that comes with both a high floor and a high ceiling. If you are new to […]
Earlier in August, I participated in two points league mock drafts. You can find my analysis of both mocks on X or by clicking on the following links. Projections for both Yahoo and ESPN points leagues will be available once Elite Fantasy Basketball launches on August 27th. Points League Mock Analysis – 1st Pick Points […]
On Dan Besbris’ new podcast Old Man Squad Fantasy Basketball Podcast, Dan and I chat about how the early Yahoo rankings may impact this season’s punting strategies. We also identify some early sleepers and busts. Link to the podcast: Punt Strategy, Targets and Misses on the Yahoo Top 150 with Adam Stock
Dan and I discuss how last season’s punting strategies worked out. Link to the podcast: Did Punting Work in 2023-2024?